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Monday, May 01, 2006

The night I met Steph Scully

I had the hottest TV Aussie in my arms last night at the Neighbours night evening. Steph Scully (a.k.a Carla Bonner) is cuter than a bucket of kittens. I also met Toadfish! And Alf from Home and Away. Alf is a pretty top bloke (who will call people galaahs if you ask him nicely). Someone made a crack about Toady's jubble so he got a bit leary and said something along the lines of "everytime I bed your mother she gives me a cookie". He also said "f*ck" which I was not expecting.

There are so many things I could say about Ms Scully: her hair, her eyes, her other attractive features.... Instead I am going to finish by saying that she is better in the flesh, up close, grinning for the camera.

I had to take a cold shower afterwards. No wukkas though, eh Bruce?


Anonymous said...

Test comment!

Anonymous said...

Dan you lucky fella, you could have got a better photo though!!

Anonymous said...

Dan, your mad Photoshop skillz are improving...